



  • Supporters [サポーター] Membership
    Supporters [サポーター]

    Supporters [サポーター]

    3,000 JPY

  • Sponsor [スポンサー] Membership
    Sponsor [スポンサー]

    Sponsor [スポンサー]

    300,000 JPY

  • Specialist [スペシャリスト] Membership
    Specialist [スペシャリスト]

    Specialist [スペシャリスト]



寺DAO 職人 寺DAOは、寺社建築、荘厳仏具の製造を行う翠雲堂とのパートナーシップにより運営されています。

" Temples DAO" is a community where fans of Japanese temples from around the world and specialists involved with temples gather. Through activities focused on what we can do now to preserve temples for future generations, we become part of the history of these temples, creating connections that transcend time.

By integrating "Web3" into various temple-related activities, we are developing a system that revitalizes temples and strengthens community connections. This system provides continuous support to sustain and preserve Japanese temples for future generations.

TemplesDAO(Tera DAO) is operated in partnership with Suiundo, a Japanese company specializing in temple architecture and the production of sacred Buddhist artifacts.